There are 141 ebook available on this link , For Electronics Engineering As for as Communication Control system Signal system Digital EDC Math EMT Network Theory For Electronics Engineering As for as Communication Control system Signal system Digital EDC Math EMT Network Theory
1:- In the circuit shown below, the initial charge on the capacitor is 2.5 mC, with the voltage polarity as indicated . The switch is closed at time t = 0 the current it at a time t after the switch is closed is (A) i(t)=15 exp(-2×10³t)A. (B) i(t)= 5 exp(-2×10³)A. (C) i(t) =10 exp(-2×10³)A. (D) i(t) = -5 exp(-2×10³)A. ANSWER :- i(t)=15 exp(-2×10³t)A 2:- The Z- parameter matrix [z¹¹z¹² z²¹z²²] for the two port network shown is (A):- 0 (B):- 99 (C):- 63 (D):- 12 ANSWER:- 0 3:- If Ē = -(2y³-3yz²)x^ -(6xy²-3xz²)6y^+(6xyz)z^ is the electric field in a source free region a valid expression for the electrostatic potential is (A):- xy³-yz² (B):- 2xy³-xyz² (C):- y³+xyz² (D):- 2xy³-3xyz² ANSWER:- 2xy³-3xyz² 4:- Two Silicon diodes,with a forward voltage drop of 0.7 v are used in the circuit shown in the figure. The range of input voltage...
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